How to Double-Fry for Crispy, Crunchy Chicken

Crispy and delicious - that's the hallmark of many beloved foods like french fries, chicken wings, and tempura. Achieving that perfect crunch often feels like a culinary mystery. But there's a simple technique that can make your crispy creations restaurant-quality: double-frying

Read on to learn more about the double-frying technique and the science behind it, then try your hand at a double-fried chicken wings recipe.

How to Double-Fry

Double-frying is a two-step process:

  1. First Fry (Low Temperature): Foods are gently cooked at a lower temperature, usually around 325°F (163°C). This initial fry cooks the interior and prepares the food for the next step. It won't achieve that golden crispness just yet.

  2. Second Fry (High Temperature): After a brief rest, the partially cooked items return to the hot oil, which is now heated to a higher temperature, approximately 375°F (190°C). This second fry quickly crisps up the exterior, creating that satisfying crunch.

How Does Double-Frying Work?

It’s all about the science of moisture and oil absorption. Initially, the first fry drives the food's moisture to the outer layer. By the second fry, the moisture on that layer would have evaporated, so the outside turns crispy without overcooking the rest of the food.

The food essentially undergoes the Maillard reaction which is the chemical transformation responsible for browning and the formation of crispy textures. This results in a crispy, crunchy exterior and a moist interior.

What Can You Double-Fry?

You can double-fry a wide variety of foods, including:

  • French Fries: The ultimate crispy treat. The double-fry method results in a fantastic contrast between a fluffy interior and a crisp exterior.
  • Chicken Wings: Double-frying ensures that your chicken wings are not only cooked through but also have irresistibly crispy skin.
  • Tempura: The secret behind tempura's light and delicate coating is the double-fry technique.
  • Doughnuts: Achieve doughnuts with a perfectly crispy outer layer and a soft, fluffy center by using the double-fry method.

Recipe: How to Double-Fry Chicken Wings


  • Chicken wings
  • Oil with a high smoke point (e.g., canola or peanut oil)


  1. First Fry: Heat the oil to around 325°F (163°C). Carefully add the chicken wings and fry them until they're cooked through but not yet crispy. Remove them and place on a paper towel-lined plate.

  2. Rest: Let the chicken wings rest for about 10-15 minutes. This allows excess moisture to evaporate and prepares them for the second fry.

  3. Second Fry: Heat the oil to around 375°F (190°C). Return the chicken wings to the hot oil and fry them until they're golden brown and perfectly crispy.

  4. Enjoy: Season your double-fried chicken wings with your favourite spices and sauces, and savour the delicious results!

Double-frying may seem counterintuitive, but it's the secret behind achieving that delightful crunch. With this technique, you can level up your frying game and impress your family and friends with perfectly-fried chicken, fries, and other food favourites.

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